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Published peer-reviewed articles



Contributing scholars to Genocide Studies International Journal



GHRUP graduates from over 47 countries

Adult Students

GHRUP Graduate

I have learned, I have re-learned, & I have unlearned... and I have gotten more than I ever thought I could get from the course, particularly in terms of teaching pedagogy. 

GHRUP Graduate

I was in the 2008 cohort and am a lecturer and researcher at the University of Rwanda. The GHRUP stimulated me to continue in research and education on genocide. Now I teach the comparative history of genocide, and I hope to come back to Toronto as a lecturer for the GHRUP!




GHRUP Graduate

Going to Toronto and meeting people from all over the world was a wonderful experience. I find that genocide is such a useful framework to have while watching the news these past however many years. Once you’re aware of dehumanization and other key terms, you can’t look at the world in the same way.




Joyce Apsel
Course Director

The GHRUP is the most exciting educational initiative that I have been a part of. Teaching is a privilege. Teaching such wonderful students at the Institute every summer, and bringing in these specialists, is really extraordinary and always the hallmark of my year.




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