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The Genocide and Human Rights University Program, the research, the journal, the events and the day-to-day work done by the IIGHRS team would not be possible without your generous support.  

GHRUP Students, 2018
GHRUP Students, 2018
GHRUP Students, 2016
GHRUP Student, 2018

Please note: All donations must be processed through our parent organization, The Zoryan Institute. Donations coming from the IIGHRS website will be allocated specifically to the IIGHRS.  

Your gift today contributes to raising awareness about Genocide and the necessity of its prevention. 

Your Contribution to Education

We invite you to select a Genocide and Human Rights University Program unit from the list to the right that you would like to sponsor! Include the name of the unit in the "description" section of the online donation form.

Should you wish to have your donation recognized, we will be highlighting the sponsors of each unit on our website, social media, syllabus, and during the course.

Contact Megan Reid at for more information. 


Thank you to our sponsors!

The Institute is pleased to share that five units are currently being sponsored through the generous donations of Zoryan Institute supporters.

  • Ms. Diana Hadjetian is supporting Denial, Memory, Museum and Representation

  • ​Mr. Diran Avedian is supporting Prevention and Future Genocide

  • Mr. Joe Yalkezian is supporting Development of Human Rights, Introduction to Genocide, and Theories of Genocide

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