February 24, 2023: The Zoryan Institute is excited to announce that it’s journal, Genocide Studies International (GSI), published by the University of Toronto Press, has introduced the option of advance access, allowing its subscribers to read papers online in advance of publication! Two articles from GSI’s latest issue 14.2 are now available!
The following papers are available to read now:
Ronan Lee. Myanmar's Rohingya Genocide: Identity, History and Hate Speech Swapna Gopinath Gopinath's paper is a review of Ronan Lee’s book on the Rohingya crisis titled, Myanmar's Rohingya Genocide: Identity, History and Hate Speech. “Ronan Lee’s work on the Rohingya crisis is an interesting addition to this body of work. He attempts and succeeds in contextualizing, historically and politically, the violence, othering, and exclusion of the Rohingya in the state of Myanmar.” Read More
When the Assyrian Tragedy Became Seyfo: A Study of Swedish-Assyrian Politics of Memory Svante Lundgren In this article, Lundgren analyzes how, when, and why the established narrative of Seyfo developed and took shape in Sweden, a country with a substantial Assyrian community. This is done through analysis of how the tragedy has been described in Hujådå, the official magazine of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden. Read More
Genocide Studies International
Genocide Studies International (GSI) is dedicated to raising knowledge and awareness among scholars, policy makers, and civil society actors by providing a forum for the critical analysis of genocide, human rights, crimes against humanity, and related mass atrocities. The journal welcomes submissions that explore the challenges and prospects for the long-term prevention of genocide, as well as those that focus on global and regional threats to human security, especially as they relate to genocide. Consequently, this peer-reviewed journal publishes articles from various disciplines including, but not limited to, history, political science, sociology, psychology, international law, criminal justice, critical race studies, religion, philosophy, literature, anthropology, forensic sciences, art history, and women's, gender, and sexuality studies.
Dr. Alex Alvarez is a Professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Northern Arizona University. From 2001 until 2003 he was the founding Director of the Martin-Springer Institute for Teaching the Holocaust, Tolerance, and Humanitarian Values. In 2017-2018, he served as the Ida E. King Distinguished Visiting Scholar in Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Stockton University. His main areas of study are in the areas of collective and interpersonal violence. His books include Governments, Citizens, and Genocide, Murder American Style, Violence: The Enduring Problem, Genocidal Crimes, Native America and the Question of Genocide, and Unstable Ground: Climate Change, Conflict, and Genocide. He has also served as an editor for the journal Violence and Victims and was a founding co-editor of Genocide Studies and Prevention. | Henry C. Theriault is currently Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at Worcester State University in the United States, after teaching in its Philosophy Department from 1998 to 2017. From 1999 to 2007, he coordinated the University’s Center for the Study of Human Rights. Theriault’s research focuses on genocide denial, genocide prevention, post-genocide victim-perpetrator relations, reparations, and mass violence against women and girls. He has lectured and given panel papers around the world. Since 2007, he has chaired the Armenian Genocide Reparations Study Group and is lead author of its March 2015 final report, Resolution with Justice. Theriault served as President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) from 2017 to 2021. He is founding co-editor of the peer-reviewed Genocide Studies International. From 2007 to 2012 he served as co-editor of the International Association of Genocide Scholars’ peer-reviewed Genocide Studies and Prevention, and has guest-edited for the International Criminal Law Review and the Armenian Review. |
Dr. Jennifer Rich is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey. She serves as the Executive Director of Rowan's Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights, and the Director of the Masters of Arts in Holocaust and Genocide Education. Her research and teaching focus primarily on Holocaust education and memory. Jenny's work can be found in popular presses, such as The Conversation, Hechinger Report, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Education Week, and The Washington Post, as well as in academic journals. Her books include Keepers of Memory: The Holocaust and Transgenerational Identity, and Politics, Education, and Social Problems: Complicated Classroom Conversations. | Adam Muller is Director of the Peace and Conflict Studies graduate programs at the University of Manitoba, Canada, and a founding member of the Global Consortium on Bigotry and Hate. A former vice-president of the International Association of Genocide Scholars, he researches and teaches on the artistic representation of genocide, war, and human rights. |
Zoryan Institute, a non-profit organization, serves the cause of scholarship and public awareness relating to issues of universal human rights, genocide, and diaspora-homeland relations. This is done through the systematic continued efforts of scholars and specialists using comparative and multidisciplinary approach and in accordance with the highest academic standards.
To these ends the Institute undertakes and supports multi-disciplinary research, documentation, lectures, seminars, colloquia, and publications.